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A little bit about me


18 years old, Recife

I graduated from high school last year, and this year I’m focused on learning new things. My hobby is doing creative arts, for example; editing invitations, making video edits or anything related. I live with my parents and 2 brothers.

Prayer requests


→ My prayer request is for my future, I’m very apprehensive. I also want to pray for my family, my boyfriend, and especially my grandmother. They are very important to me. Also for my life, and that God continues to give me strength.




Reasons for gratitude

→ I am grateful to be surrounded by people who love me, to have a family that is God’s project. I’m also thankful for the life of the person that is praying for me, may God bless you greatly and repay you double, and may he fulfill all the desires of your heart, I don’t know you but I’ll be praying for you too.


Leave your prayer!


Your prayer or message of encouragement will be sent to the child you are welcoming.